Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy birthday D.B. Smith!

There comes a time in everyone's life when they meet some really special. I'm not talking about just any old lovey-dovey special someone. I'm talking about the one person who tells you to get it together when you're actin a fool, shares your obsession with lattes and desserts, doesn't judge you when you wear white after Labor Day [b/c you KNOW I look good], believes in spontaneous dance parties, can apply war paint while driving a tank, and also understands your love for all things sequined.

I am talking about the one and only D.B. Smith.

Happy birthday Daniel AppleMonkeyVonBurgersonCrustyBunnyOhNoYouDidnt Smith.

I love you. Have a great day.

P.S. I ordered this for you, but they're running a credit check first. Can't imagine why?

Now bring me a 56oz latte and 23.785 chocolate chip cookies, betch!

Miss me?

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